This is the review quiz of the week, from lesson 7. This quiz is longer because there is no video in this lesson and consists of 26 questions to review and assimilate the knowledge acquired in the previous week: multiple choice, put in order, association, filling in the blanks and open-ended questions. Listenning audios.
Do the review exercises, preferably without help, and repeat until you feel confident.
This is a great way to take control of your self-learning!
Good luck 🙂
Este é o quizz de revisão, da lição nº 7. Nesta lição não há vídeo por que o quizz é maior, sendo composto por 26 perguntas para que seja feita a revisão e assimilação do conhecimento adquirido na semana anterior: escolha múltipla, colocar por ordem, associação, preencher os espaços em branco e questões abertas. Ouça os áudios.
Faça os exercícios de revisão, de preferência sem ajuda, e repita até se sentir confiante.
Esta é uma ótima maneira de assumir o controlo de sua auto-aprendizagem!
Bom trabalho 🙂
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In this quiz you will have 3 matrix questions. In Portuguese – Faça a correspondência
These questions are similar to the ones you did in the previous quizzes of the lesson 1,2, 4 and 5.
In the matrix sorting question you will match two items together. There are two parts to a matrix sorting question, the criterion (these are static & cannot be moved) and the sort elements (these are what you will drag & drop to the correct criterion). Each sort element is unique and only one-to-one associations are supported.
Drag and drop :) and :( into the correct language columns – Feliz and Infeliz.
In this quiz you will have 2 sorting choice questions. In Portuguese – Ponha na ordem correta.
These questions are similar to the ones you did in the previous quizzes of the lesson 1, 2, 4 and 5.
Sorting choice questions ask the user to place a series of answers in the correct order.
The sentences appear in a random, incorrect order. Use your mouse to arrange them in the correct order.
View Answers:
In this quiz you will have 6 fill the blank questions. In Portuguese Complete com …
These questions are similar to the ones you did in the previous quizzes of the lesson 1,2, 4 and 5.
In the fill in the blank question you will type the correct answer into this empty field. If more than one blank exists, all blanks must be answered correctly for the entire question to be marked correct. There are some questions with multiple possible answers, please just insert one option.
Capitalization does not matter. For example: “CASA”, “Casa” and “casa” are all scored the same. However, the spelling and the accents must be correct in your answer. You have to write in Portuguese with a Portuguese keyboard in order to avoid spelling mistakes. Be aware that in Portuguese the accents are mandatory.
If you need any help for a Portuguese keyboard (microsoft products): or check this pdf document Keyboard.pdf, where you can see how to make short cuts on the keyboard.
Fill the blank with the words – mau | frio | pequeno, like the example:
This is an example question and serves as a practice to familiarize yourself with correct Portuguese writing, including the mandatory use of accents. In the quiz questions, answers are not provided automatically.
In this quiz you will have 2 single choice questions. In Portuguese – Escolha qual é a afirmação correta.
These single choice questions are similar to the ones you did in the previous quizzes of the lesson 1,2, 4 and 5, but without audio.
In the single choice question there is only one correct answer.
In these questions, first you will read question and then reply with the only one correct answer.
Choose the word that does not belong to the group:
Use your mouse to select the correct answer.
The correct answer is: hello
In this quiz you will have 9 free choice questions. In Portuguese pergunta aberta
Free choice questions give the user an input field where they must type the correct answer.
There is a only one possible answer.
Capitalization does not matter. VIVA, Viva and viva are all scored the same. However, the spelling, the accents and the punctuation must be correct in your answer. You have to write with a Portuguese keyboard in order to avoid spelling mistakes. Be aware that in Portuguese the accents are mandatory.
If you need any help for a Portuguese keyboard (microsoft products):
You should type the correct answer and the question is marked correct. Don’t forget the punctuation marks ( it can be !, ., ?, :; …)
Write a sentence with the given words. In Portuguese “Escreva uma frase com as palavras dadas”.
português / bem / falo / muito/.
The correct answer is: Falo português muito bem.
A Hint is available (button below on the left) that displays the correct answer. We always encourage you to consult the Hint for confirmation and consolidation of your answer.
In this quiz you will have 4 multiple choice questions. In Portuguese – Escolha quais são as afirmações corretas.
Multiple choice questions support multiple correct answers. For the question to be marked correct, you must select all of the correct answers. If you select only one or some of the correct answers and there are additional correct options, then the question will be marked incorrect.
In these questions, you will first read the question and then respond with the correct answer or answers.
Choose numbers: In Portuguese “Escolha os números”
Use your mouse to select the correct answer or answers.
The correct answers are:
dois | um | três and quatro | um |dois